Calling From Elm Lake
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Welcome to beautiful Elm Lake!
Our quiet community is surrounded by natural bliss. Our residents are always willing to lend a helping hand. Our streets are clean, our parks are quiet, and our mysteries are mysterious. Plan your visit to our wonderful community, and you, too, could decide to put down roots, get acquainted with the neighbors, and listen for the alarms.
Elm Lake...
Can you hear it calling?


Calling From Elm Lake is a narrative horror/mystery podcast, set in the fictional town of Elm Lake. Releasing on a bi-weekly schedule, Calling From Elm Lake is the account of residents of the town, as they broadcast a message out about the strange occurrences within. Each episode will be self-contained, tying into an overarching season.

Calling From Elm Lake is created by Sean Monaghan. Sean is the writer, voice, and engineer of the podcast, and he has been involved in theatre around the Twin Cities of Minnesota, for over 20 years. Calling From Elm Lake is Sean’s first foray into the world of podcasting, and he is hoping that it will lead to more opportunities and creative outlets in the future.

Music for Calling From Elm Lake is created by Machinnes. For more information on Machinnes, please visit

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